Primary education (1st cycle)
Planetarium sessions
The planetarium session consists of several parts. Initially, we make an astronomical projection6 and then we explain the sky with the simulator. We will see the planets and stars visible that night and travel back in time to observe how their positions change over the hours and days. We will also focus on the constellations, figures that ancient civilizations drew in the sky and that have reached our days. We will also travel outside the Earth to see the Sun and the planets that make up the Solar System more closely. Finally we will contemplate the secret that hides the planetarium and that makes it unique in the world!
Below you have a brief summary of the projections you can choose:
3, 2, 1 LIFTOFF!
A group of hamsters live in the middle of the mountains of junk in a landfill.
Among them stands out Elon, a hamster who really likes science, unlike his companions who don’t take it very seriously. One fine day something mysterious from outer space falls into the landfill.
Inside the crater formed by the impact is a robot that has fallen from the spaceship in which it was travelling. Putting his scientific knowledge to the test, Elon must find a way to return the robot to the spaceship before it’s too late.
The poles of planet Earth are very cold areas and where almost no sunlight reaches them during the winter months. What is the cause?
Is it the same on other planets? On board the ship Polaris, accompanied by Vladimir the bone and James the penguin, we will discover what happens on the other planets of the Solar System and, applying the scientific method, we will try to find an explanation that answers our questions.
One night, when Celeste goes to sleep, she receives an unexpected visitor. It is Moon, who knows many of the secrets of the Universe. with
they will discover that, beyond the Solar System, we can find many other planets that we know as exoplanets. We will see
how they can be detected, what elements characterize them and other curiosities about these distant and mysterious objects.
Vladimir the bear and James the penguin begin a new adventure aboard their spaceship, Polaris. Target: the aurora borealis. Well, one
an unexpected impact on the ship and a landing in the middle of the jungle will raise new questions. What they are and what they are about
meteorites made? Why do shooting stars shine? Back on board the Polaris and with a new companion they will start a new journey through the Solar System to try to answer these questions applying, as always, the scientific method.

During the day the Sun warms us and illuminates our surroundings. But what is the Sun like? Are we far or near? Is it big or small? What is its color? With the devices we have in our center we will answer all these questions.
We will also be able to see if there is a sunspot or if at that moment there is a flare in the Sun.
When it’s night in Montsec, the best sky in Catalonia, we can observe the Moon, planets, stars and other more distant and mysterious objects in great detail. By combining observation with the naked eye and the use of telescopes we will get closer to discovering the night sky.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 action!!! In this activity we will discover details and curiosities about rockets and we will fly some of them propelled by water and air. All children can enjoy the experience of taking off their first rocket.
If we look at the Moon, either directly, with the help of a telescope or through a photograph, we will see that its surface is irregular, with lighter and darker areas. We will also observe other somewhat mysterious areas, the craters. Produced by the impact of meteorites on the lunar surface, we will reproduce this phenomenon on a small scale and in a very fun way with homemade materials.
The Earth, the planet we live on, is just one of the objects we have in the Solar System. The Sun, planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn or satellites such as the Moon hide very interesting details. With the help of images we will have to guess, for example, which planets are rocky and which are gaseous, which planets have more satellites or also which are the warmest and which are the coldest among many other details that we can discover!