Primary education (3rd cycle)
Planetarium sessions
The planetarium session consists of several parts. Initially, we make an astronomical projection6 and then we explain the sky with the simulator. We will see the planets and stars visible that night and travel back in time to observe how their positions change over the hours and days. We will also focus on the constellations, figures that ancient civilizations drew in the sky and that have reached our days. We will also travel outside the Earth to see the Sun and the planets that make up the Solar System more closely. Finally we will contemplate the secret that hides the planetarium and that makes it unique in the world!
Below you have a brief summary of the projections you can choose:
One night, when Celeste goes to sleep, she receives an unexpected visitor. It’s Moon, who knows many of the secrets of the Universe. With them we will discover that, beyond the Solar System, we can find many other planets known as exoplanets. We will see how they can be detected, what elements characterize them and other curiosities about these distant and mysterious objects.
ZO What do we know about light? What colors make up sunlight? Zoe, a young dingo, discovers the answers to these questions from GranPa, a retired scientist who lives in a quiet country house. One day, suddenly, a mysterious gas darkens the sky.
On an adventure-packed journey into space, GranPa and Zoe will have to put their scientific skills to the test to discover where
comes this gas and make the light of the Sun visible again from the Earth.
3, 2, 1 LIFTOFF
A group of hamsters live in the middle of the mountains of junk in a landfill.
Among them stands out Elon, a hamster who really likes science, unlike his companions who don’t take it very seriously. One fine day, something mysterious from outer space falls into the landfill. Inside the crater formed by the impact, there is a robot that has fallen from the spaceship in which it was travelling. Putting his scientific knowledge to the test, Elon must find a way to return the robot to the spaceship before it’s too late.
Have you ever wondered what we are made of? What is the origin of all things? In a simple tent in the middle of an amusement park we can
find the answers to these questions.
We will take a journey through the history of the universe from its beginnings to the present day.
We will discover how the first atoms were formed, the birth of stars, nuclear fusion, supernovae, the origin of life and its evolution. Are you joining us?
Light plays a very important role in our lives. Already in prehistory the discovery of fire played a key role. Also the ancients, thanks to the observation of the night sky, knew what season of the year they were in.
Accompanied by a child and his mother, we will discover how light is formed in a star like the Sun and its role, not only in the study of the universe, but also in our everyday life.
Why do the stars shine? How is its evolution from formation to its end?
The planetarium will bring us closer to knowing what the stars are like, the great energy factories of the Universe. We will be able to see how the biggest ones end their lives in a big explosion that we call Supernova or how some live grouped together forming clusters. We will also see how astronomy has evolved throughout history and learn about some of the most mysterious elements in the universe.
Eugeni Milkman is a very peculiar character, he pilots a ship belonging to the company Galaktos that is dedicated to the distribution of dairy products (milk, yogurts and sherbets) throughout our galaxy, the Milky Way. Accompanied by Eugeni and his intern, we will travel and discover what the most fascinating objects in our Galaxy look like. Traversing nebulae or riding through a black hole are very simple and fun challenges for these space travelers.
During the day the Sun warms us and illuminates our surroundings. But what is the Sun like? Are we far or near? Is it big or small? What is its color? With the devices we have in our center we will answer all these questions.
We will also be able to see if there is a sunspot or if at that moment there is a flare in the Sun.
When it’s night in Montsec, the best sky in Catalonia, we can observe the Moon, planets, stars and other more distant and mysterious objects in great detail. By combining observation with the naked eye and the use of telescopes we will get closer to discovering the night sky.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 action!!! In this activity we will discover details and curiosities about rockets and we will fly some of them propelled by water and air. All children can enjoy the experience of taking off their first rocket.
The Earth, the planet we live on, is just one of the objects we have in the Solar System. The Sun, planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn or satellites such as the Moon hide very interesting details. With the help of images, we will have to guess, for example, which planets are rocky and which are gaseous, which planets have more satellites or also which are the warmest and which are the coldest among many other details that we can discover !
Today we have a multitude of devices to know what time it is at all times, but in the past this was not the case. So how did they do it? Clocks have been manufactured since ancient times which, based on the position of the Sun and seeing what its shadow looks like, have allowed us to know what time it is. In this activity we will build a sundial with simple materials and see how to use it.
The Moon, our only natural satellite, revolves around the Earth. Now, do we always see her the same? If we look at it, we will realize that some days we see it all lit up, other days only a bit and other days we can’t even see it. In this workshop, we will learn more about the movements of the Earth and the Moon and reproduce them to scale in order to visualize how the phases of the Moon occur and answer questions such as: Does the Moon always show us the same face? When does an eclipse occur?
Just as when we drive around a city we may need a map or a GPS to orient ourselves, to find the most prominent stars and constellations in the sky we can use a planisphere. We will make this device with very simple materials and learn how to use it to be able to see which stars and constellations are visible at each hour of the night every day of the year.