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Festival d’astronomia

Basic information

  • Strip of the day

  • Recommended age

    10 years

    2 hours



The Parc Astronòmic del Montsec is the basic pillar of research, training and dissemination of astronomy in Catalonia. The Astronòmic organizes the 10th Montsec Astronomy Festival with the aim of bringing science closer to young and old as a new form of tourism: Tourism of the Stars.

We invite you to enjoy this experience, where science and tourism are combined, with activities aimed at all ages: workshops, experiments, guided tours, concerts, among others, under the spectacular sky of Montsec.

See you there!

Upcoming dates


  • General rate
    From €10 to €20
  • Reduced rate
    From €9 to €20
  • Children under 5

* Intended for children under 15 years of age, retirees, people with disabilities, large or single-parent families, groups of more than 20 people with prior reservation and people with the Youth Rate (under 25 years of age). To be able to enjoy the discount, the user must bring the corresponding or similar card that accredits it as such.

Program of activities

Includes three activities:
  • Parc Astronòmic del Montsec

    OCTOBER, 31


    6:00 pm – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

    It includes: special live and live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free


    7:00 pm – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

    It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free


    8.00 p.m. – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

    It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free


    9.00 p.m. – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

    It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free


    10.00 p.m. – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

    It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

  • Parc Astronòmic del Montsec



    11.00 a.m. – Visit “The search for new worlds” (25 places)

    Recommended for general/adult audiences

      It includes: planetarium session and workshop “The search for new worlds”, an initiative of Plataforma Vértices with artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo and astrophysicist Kike Herrero (Obs. del Montsec)

    Duration: 3 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    11:00 a.m. – “Galactic Travelers” family daytime visit

    Recommended for families with children up to 12 years old

    It includes: planetarium session and Pallasso Tortelini show with our Bòlid

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 10.00 euros (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    12:30 p.m. – Daytime visit for the general public/adults (35 places)

    It includes: planetarium session and sun observation

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free



    4:00 p.m. – Visit “Journey to the Moon”

    Recommended for families with children up to 12 years old

    It includes: planetarium session and Apollo 11 to the Moon workshop

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    5.00 p.m. – Guided visit to the “New Worlds” exhibition

    Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Nous móns” by its creators, the artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo (Plataforma Vértices).

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Price: Free with prior reservation (limited places)

    6:00 p.m. – Guided visit to the “New Worlds” exhibition

    Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Nous móns” by its creators, the artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo (Plataforma Vértices).

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Price: Free with prior reservation (limited places)

    7:00 p.m. – Guided visit to the “New Worlds” exhibition

    Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Nous móns” by its creators, the artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo (Plataforma Vértices).

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Price: Free with prior reservation (limited places)

    8.00 p.m. – Guided visit to the “New Worlds” exhibition

    Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition “Nous móns” by its creators, the artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo (Plataforma Vértices).

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Price: Free with prior reservation (limited places)



    6:00 p.m. – Night photography at Parc Astronòmic del Montsec

      It includes: special live and live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and night photography workshop by the Photo Cliff of Badalona.

    Duration: 4 hours (1 hour planetarium + 3 hours workshop)

    Price: 20.00 euros (special rate)

    Limited places. SLR camera and photo tripod required. Camera or intervalometer trigger is recommended.

    7:00 p.m. – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

      It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    8.00 p.m. – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

      It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    9.00 p.m. – Special night visit “Exoterritoris”

      It includes: special planetarium session with screening of “Exoterritoris” by the artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo (Plataforma Vértices) followed by a live and direct session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    10.00 p.m. – Special night visit “Exoterritoris

    It includes: special planetarium session with screening of “Exoterritoris” by the artists Jo Milne and Tono Carbajo (Plataforma Vértices) followed by a live and direct session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

  • Parc Astronòmic del Montsec


    Place: Plenary Room of the Àger Town Hall

    Parallel event: Conference ‘Iron: Forges, Ferrers and Ferries’

    Organized by the Arnau Mir de Tost Foundation.


    Place: Montsec Astronomical Park (Àger)


    11:00 a.m. – Visit “Journey to the Moon”

    Recommended for families with children up to 12 years old

    It includes: planetarium session and Apollo 11 workshop by Univers Quark

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    12.30 pm – Daytime visit for the general public/adults

    It includes: planetarium session and sun observation

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free



    4:00 p.m. – Visit “Science Experiments with Dani Jiménez”

    It includes an experiment workshop with Dani Jiménez, television science presenter and a rocket workshop

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    4.15 pm – Visit “Science Experiments with Dani Jiménez”

    It includes an experiment workshop with Dani Jiménez, television science presenter and a rocket workshop

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    6:00 p.m. – Visit “Science Experiments with Dani Jiménez”

    It includes an experiment workshop with Dani Jiménez, television science presenter and a rocket workshop

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free


    18.00 h – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

      It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    9.00 p.m. – Special night visit “The Autumn Sky”

      It includes: special live planetarium session at the Ull del Montsec and observation at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 17.00 (general rate) / € 15.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    10.00 pm – Music under the stars with Bru

    “The Universe between me” (Intimate Indie-Pop)

    It includes: concert at the Ull del Montsec planetarium and observation session at the Telescope Park

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 20.00


    11.00 pm – Music under the stars with Bru

    “The Universe between me” (Intimate Indie-Pop)

    Includes: concert at the Ull del Montsec planetarium and observation session at the Telescope Park

    Total duration: 2 hours

    Price: 20.00 euros

  • Parc Astronòmic del Montsec


    Place: Plaça Major (Àger)

    10.00 a.m. – Geological walk “The Moon and Mars touching through the streets of Àger”

    Walk to discover the geology of Àger and its link with other stars in the Solar System.

    By Jordi Panisello and Martí (Eureka SGN), sponsored by Geoparc Origens

    Duration: 2 hours

    Free activity. Limited places. You must register at [email protected]


    Place: Montsec Astronomical Park (Àger)


    11:00 a.m. – Family daytime visit “Journey through the Solar System”

    Recommended for families with children up to 12 years old

    It includes: planetarium session, sun observation and rocket workshop

    Duration: 2 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free

    12.30 pm – Daytime visit for the general public/adults

    It includes: planetarium session and sun observation

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    Price: € 10.00 (general rate) / € 9.00 (reduced rate) / children under 5 free



    Place: Collegiate Church of Sant Pere (Àger)

    5.30 pm – Closing Concert “Love Songs” by Pop Piano Quartet

    Concert at the Collegiate Church of Sant Pere d’Àger and at the end discovery of the planets and constellations of the night sky

    Duration: 2 hours

    Free activity. Limited places. You must register at [email protected] / Whatsapp: 606251476

    Activity organized in collaboration with Àger City Council

  • Montsec Astronomical Park

    OCTOBER 15

    11:00 a.m. – Family daytime visit “Journey through the Solar System”

    Includes: planetarium session, sun observation and rocket workshop

    12.30 pm – Daytime visit for the general public/adults

    Includes: planetarium session and sun observation

    7:00 p.m. – “Els Planetes” concert by Gustav Holst (J. Roure version) by the Julià Carbonell Symphonic Orchestra of the Lands of Lleida (Dir. Alfons Reverté)

    Concert at the Collegiate Church of Sant Pere d’Àger.

    Free activity. Limited places. You must register at [email protected] / Whatsapp: 606251476



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